Information according to § 5 DDG, § 55 Abs. 2 RStV and § 2 DL-InfoV

Company name

Team event 030 GmbH

Managing Director

Sebastian Tenschert

Head office / office address

Poplar avenue 78/79
10437 Berlin

Register entry

Commercial register: HRB 162197 B
Register court: Berlin-Charlottenburg District Court

Sales tax ID

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law:

Contact us


Editorially responsible

Sebastian Tenschert, address and contact as above.

Spatial scope of application


Information on financial loss/liability insurance

Signal Iduna Allgemeine Versicherung AG
Versich.Nr.: 77.044.360/5/001/6500

EU dispute resolution

The European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR):
You can find our e-mail address in the legal notice above.

Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Information on services:

Teamevent 030 GmbH is a service provider for leisure and corporate events involving the use of laser tag equipment. The insurance covers the policyholder's statutory liability for insured events occurring abroad in accordance with the applicable law. Liability insurance for business premises located abroad is excluded.

Disclaimer - Liability for content:

All information on the Teamevent 030 GmbH website has been carefully checked. Teamevent 030 GmbH endeavors to constantly expand and update this information. Teamevent 030 GmbH provides this information without any assurance or guarantee. Teamevent 030 GmbH is responsible for its own content on this website in accordance with Section 7 (1) TMG (German Telemedia Act) and general laws. However, according to §§ 8-10 TMG, Teamevent 030 GmbH is not responsible for transmitted or stored third-party information unless it has knowledge of the illegal activity or information and, in the case of claims for damages, is not aware of any facts or circumstances from which the illegal activity or information is obvious, or it has taken immediate action to remove the information or block access to it as soon as it has gained this knowledge. The obligation of Teamevent 030 GmbH to remove content in accordance with general legislation remains unaffected by this. However, any liability is only possible in the event of knowledge of a specific infringement. If Teamevent 030 GmbH becomes aware of any such legal infringements, it will remove the content immediately.

The website Underground and contains direct or indirect links to external websites over whose content Teamevent 030 GmbH has no influence. In this respect, Teamevent 030 GmbH cannot accept any liability for the content of these websites. Rather, the respective provider and/or operator is always responsible for the content of the linked pages. Teamevent 030 GmbH hereby expressly declares that the linked websites were checked for legal violations at the time of linking and that no illegal content was recognizable. It is not reasonable for Teamevent 030 GmbH to continuously check links to the content of external websites without concrete evidence. However, Teamevent 030 GmbH will remove these links immediately if it becomes aware of such content on linked pages.

Rights of use:

The content and works as well as their arrangement on the Underground Lasergame website are subject to German copyright law and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be reproduced, modified, edited, distributed or utilized for commercial purposes. We would like to point out that some of the contents and works of Teamevent 030 GmbH are subject to the copyright of those who have made them available. Teamevent 030 GmbH respects the copyrights and rights of use of third parties. In particular, third-party content is identified as such.

The imprint also applies to the following social media profiles: